
We produce special vehicles, as well as complying with the requirements for quality, safety and functionality, and the wishes of the client.


We suggest:


Рoadside assistance, aluminum platforms, falling platforms - produce all kinds of repatriation for the transport of cars. Suitable for installation on trucks from 3 to 18 tons.

Mobile showrooms.

Upgrades with roller floor.
   Practical solution especially for containers.

Mobile offices

We produce mobile medical and dental surgeries and blood donation centers. They have everything necessary for the work of medical professionals and provide comfort to patients. Meet all the requirements for quality, safety and hygiene.

Mobile workshop

We create project for the customer, consistent with the objectives and specifics of his business.

Mobile learning centers

Meet all the requirements for safety, hygiene, proper training conditions.

Mobile TV and Radio centers
Fully tailored to the activity that will develop them.

Mobile soundproof generator

Mobile kiosks for fast food
The materials we use, the projects and their construction are fully consistent with the purpose of the kiosks. If you order kiosk fast food with brand "Heger" we deliver it with a guarantee that meets the requirements for maintenance, comfort and security.


"Heger" quickly became a symbol of quality and reliability. We give you guarantee a minimum of two years and provide you with warranty and service of high professional level.